Petrenean Pantheon

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"It is always possible the records are incomplete."

- Proverb of the Azurejays, Scholar-Knights of San Sylvester

This article is incomplete and will require additional work.

The Petrenean Pantheon is a catch-all collection for the cults and churches of various dieties revered by the Petreneans and other people in the Shimmering Shores. As a great many of these dieties are believed to be Ascended or Awakened former mortals, most of these beliefs are also married to a form of ancestor worship, of which recognition of the diety themselves is often an extension. Unlike the case with many of the other pantheons, it is not always a given that follower of one god within the Petrenean Pantheon recognizes the divinity of all the other gods in the same pantheon.

The Pantheon does not have a truly unified teaching on life or death, though the traditional theme is that death is followed by a period of existence in the Bardo, followed by complete or partial reincarnation, a cycle which may or may not be escapable - the Awakened One, for example, teaches that one can reach a similar state to their own, eschewing the cycle of mortality in the process.

Pantheon at a Glance

Dieties of the Petrenean Pantheon
Name Portfolio Worshippers Domains Alignment
Awakened One Awakening, Truth, Harmony Between Beings Widespread Community, Knowledge, Liberation, and Repose TN
Anghara Unions, Collectives, Laws of Magic Citizens of Baghar, Mystics Law, Knowledge, Magic, Rune LN
Xia Leng Just Wars, The Separation of Planes Military Officials, Magistrates, Seers Law, Protection, Strength, War LN