Desolation of the Bleak
"It is always possible the records are incomplete."
- Proverb of the Azurejays, Scholar-Knights of San Sylvester
This article is incomplete and will require additional work.
The Desolation of the Bleak is a historical event which took place in the period between c. ASM 40 and ASM 55. It refers to a cosmological disaster that befell the area now known as the Bleak, south of Great Fen. A confluence of cosmological forces and the sudden loss of the divine influence of the Enemy in that region - which is believed to have been suppressing those forces - lead to this disaster.
As a result, various kinds of aberrations became exponentially more common in the region, which is now almost exclusively populated with aberrant fauna. Plant life is also greatly diminished, if not outright extinct - the wastes of the Bleak are known to be largely populated with funghi.
This is also held to be the general place and time of origin of the Mad Saint, San Verrus.