Runic Dykem

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Runic Dykem is a prized reagent in the practice of Runecrafting. The fluid is a special indigo-blue dye and treatment for metals, including Adamantium and Mithril, which enables the fine measurement required for the graving involved in Runecrafting. The dye also contains various active ingredients which serve as a conduit for arcane and divine energies to be incorporated into the piece, and serves as a treatment that facilidates the actual act of graving.

Runic Dykem is extremely expensive to produce and mostly originates in Khaz Yurridduum. It is not exported to other nations as a rule and the dwarves jealously guard both the secrets of Runecrafting and the process for the creation of Runic Dykem. Many ingredients required for the formulation can only be sourced in the Deeps.