Twilight Almanac

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"It is always possible the records are incomplete."

- Proverb of the Azurejays, Scholar-Knights of San Sylvester

This article is incomplete and will require additional work.

The Twilight Almanac is a text, usually published in partially-blank volumes to act as personal grimoires, whose legal status in Bastonia is disputed. While the volume is useful in the practice of magic and praised by some, it is said to encourage necromancy, and deals heavily with the mysteries of dying, a period of time between living and death in which the spirit of the dying is neither wholly judged by the Almighty, although they have already suffered the physical death of their body.

The book is seen by most as abhorrent, and is cause enough to distrust the possessor. However, it is also considered useful in some practices of medicine, and as a result it's never been formally banned in Bastonia.