Laurenburg Lodge

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"It is always possible the records are incomplete."

- Proverb of the Azurejays, Scholar-Knights of San Sylvester

This article is incomplete and will require additional work.

The Laurenburg Lodge is the senior subordinate lodge of the Order of San Lauren, second only to Valley Lodge in precedence and importance to the order. Its Captain is the successor-presumptive to the Lord Captain of the order. The order operate from a chalet-style fortification in the city of Laurenburg, from which they derive their name.

With three troops, the Laurenburg Lodge are one of the largest lodges of the order as well. These troops have greater latitude and military importance than many other such organizations in the order, especially Third Troop, which serve as a roving company of 150 that occasionally muster alongside other forces in the Frontier Counties. The other two troops remain in reserve in the city of Laurenburg, policing and ranging its environs. In recent years, and especially since the Green Knoll Purge, Second Troop occasionally is mustered and sent to reinforce Third Troop or other military assets in the Frontier Counties as well.