The License

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"It is always possible the records are incomplete."

- Proverb of the Azurejays, Scholar-Knights of San Sylvester

This article is incomplete and will require additional work.

The License is the commonly-given name for a work rarely printed under that title, namely, the chief scriptures of the church of The Enemy, a malevolent and ancient being in the Bastonian Pantheon responsibile for the creation of mankind during the Long Age of Blackness. Not commonly seen since the establishment of Whiterock and the Battle of the First Wall, the license places constraints and obligations on human behaviour, extolling humanity to follow its creator's will, and inspiring the adherant to acts of depravity in pursuit of their own pleasures and interests. The full text can fill as many as a half dozen volumes, and when produced in print are usually produced alongside further volumes of profane apologetics against the Rubrics, the holy texts of the Enemy's mortal enemy, the Almighty. In such collections some emphasis is usually placed on perverting the message of the Rubrics and thereby converting followers of the Almighty secretly to the fold of the Enemy.