Void Age of the Great Wheel

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"It is always possible the records are incomplete."

- Proverb of the Azurejays, Scholar-Knights of San Sylvester

This article is incomplete and will require additional work.

The Void Age of the Great Wheel is a time conjectured to have existed by both the students of the Way of the Elements and the Ars Magica. It is a largely unknown time period consisting of an eternity into the past, defined as all time prior to a cosmological event known as the Vergence, which resulted in the creation of Ahren as a Prime Material Plane.

It is generally considered by most in the Ars Magica school to be a "useful abstraction", and some hardcore cosmologists study this earliest time period in hopes of shedding light on fundamental laws of conjuration and correspondence. The attitude of the Way of the Elements school is slightly different; it is posited that the Void Age of the Great Wheel is a philosophical byword for a potentially infinite series of Vergences, each creating their own prime material plane which ultimately ceased to be - possibly due to something like the Great Collapse.