Grappa Summa

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Grappa Summa are the fruit of a species of seaweed found in the relatively warm and shallow waters of the Western Sea off of the city of Albassaria. They are fully edible, though considered a food of the poor, containing a briny, weak juice inside a tough, rubbery shell. They are infrequently harvested as a result.

The Secrets of Nature hold that Grappa Summa are useful in the preparation of medicines to treat fever, fury, mania, and bleeding conditions such as hemophilia. The are also a component of a ritual of the Star-Counters known as Imbibing the Stars, where an extract prepared from them is used as a binding component of an incense burned as a part of the ritual.

The elves of the Atarlie Empire are familiar with Grappa Summa as a restorative in certain herbal preparations and have attempted to grow it in the salt marshes northwest of the Imperial City. This version is a little woodier and tolerates swampy conditions, but remains suitable in druidic practices.