Gnomish Pantheon

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"It is always possible the records are incomplete."

- Proverb of the Azurejays, Scholar-Knights of San Sylvester

This article is incomplete and will require additional work.

The Gnomish Pantheon is a polytheistic belief system, revering several divine progenitors of the gnomish race collectively, of whom the gnomes are said to be mortal reflections. They are known collectively as the Great Dreamers, and occupy realms in all four dogmatic planes. Unlike with the High Elven Pantheon or Bastonian Pantheon, there is no one unified godhead, nor are all gods held in reverence by all gnomes. Instead, the gods of this pantheon are closer to personal idols or heroes, worshipped by those who feel a strong bond toward them and wish to emulate them on Ahren.

While not worshipped openly, the same is true of the evil god in this pantheon - Ingol, the Consuming Shadow. Their open worship is not necessarily illegal in the Hearthlands, but being known to be a worshipper of any of the evil gods on this or any other list can be seen as something to make the worshipper untrustworthy, and some acts in service to an evil god could themselves be criminal within the Hearthlands or the greater Atarlie Empire.

Each god having its own church and teachings, there is little universal among Gnomish worshippers, save for a general understanding that the souls of those who served their gods and the Hearthlands themselves well will find their afterlife in Elysium. Followers of Ingol believe that their Nightmarish Dreamer will subsume them into the Abyss.

Pantheon at a Glance

Dieties of the Bastonian Pantheon
Name Portfolio Worshippers Domains Alignment
Grafan Rockgleam Luck, Humour, Trickery, Gemstones Jewelers, Merchants, Professional Treasure-hunters Community, Liberation, Luck, Trickery LG
Nilin White-eye Mining, Stonecarving, Masonry Miners, Svirfneblin, Sculptors Artifice, Earth, Knowledge, Ruins TN
Vowyn Deepbower The Dead, Funerary Rites, Writing Mortuaries, Mourners, Scholars Death, Earth, Rune, Repose NG
Feindal Adamant Military Exercise, Metalworkers, Craftsmanship Artificers, Guards, Soldiers Artifice, Fire, Protection, Strength NG
Ipamin Longshanks Hunting, Wilderness, Woodlands Homesteaders, Rangers, Travellers Animal, Plant, Sun, Weather NG
Iskandar Veil Illusion, Deception Spies, Thieves, Rebels Charm, Chaos, Madness, Trickery CG
Nerumar Craft, Inventiveness Architects, Craftsmen, Inventors Artifice, Knowledge, Law, Protection LN
Ingol The Deeps, Bloodlust, Greed, Betrayal Assassins, Cultists, Rebels Death, Evil, Strength, War CE