The Hidden Capital

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The Hidden Capital (carcolie: Moiranosto) is a small city in the Carcolie's domain of the surfaces of Northreach, the location of which is unknown to even the dwarves with whom the elves share the territory. As the capital of its people, it is second to no other settlement of the nomadic carcolie in capacity for population, though the city is not normally populated beyond the immediate tribe of the Great-Grandchieftain of the Carcolie.

The city is mostly abandoned and had been crafted through the heavy use of druidic methods. It consists of homes in the canopies of the trees and comfortable bastions in concealed caves.


The city could easily be overlooked, by design. It is heavily traditional in its construction by elven standards and leveraged enormous amounts of primal and arcane magic in its creation and maintenance. The trees themselves have been shaped to form and (when asked appropriately) illuminate its avenues, the hills have given way to the rooms required of them, and when fully populated the whole city is kept clean and clear of underbrush. Its most notable landmark is the Circle of the Eye, where certain senior members of the Cult of the Stormseers meet with secular authorities like the Great-Grandchieftain.

Additionally, the city is home to a location known as the Foundation Ring, an ancient stone gateway that is used in certain rites (and somewhat routinely) to enable inter-planar travel or teleportation to other points in Ahren. The ring predates the city and its position central to the city suggests that the ancient carcolie chose the location because of the ring, and not the other way around. It is used in rites of religious significance, which most believe to be its original purpose. It is very similar to the Font of the Axis; while the Carcolie are not directly familiar with it, some visiting Atarlie scholars posit that the Foundation Ring is an artefact of the Pre-Baghar Civilization.


The Hidden Capital has no special economy to speak of, and is instead typical of the economy of the Carcolie. At most times, except at great need, the city is populated more like a small town or even a village, except in terms of its stockpile of ancient magical goods.


Runners from the tribes - or to the tribes - congregate at the hidden capital, bearing news or counsel too and from both the Great-Grandchieftain and the Speaker of the Eye.