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"It is always possible the records are incomplete."

- Proverb of the Azurejays, Scholar-Knights of San Sylvester

This article is incomplete and will require additional work.

Tripolis is a metropolis in the Atlassian Foothills of the Atarlie Empire, situated at the interection of the borders of its own province and those of the Imperial Province and Province of the Sun and Moon. It's position at the head of the Tripolitan River has made it wealthy - it is this river that divides the latter two provinces and the city maintains a fresh-water navy that keeps the river under its control - as a result it is effectively the port of trade between the Imperial City and Sunport, allowing it to tax that trade heavily, especially with the Atarlie demand for Arcwhale Oil.




Tripolis' position makes it a major point of trade between the Imperial City, Sun Port, and points further inland (such as Heroka). As a result it is extremely wealthy, with the city usually levying a major portion of its tax burden through taxes on hospitality industries and trade, as well as certain goods where the tax would not ruin the profitability, such as Archwhale Oil. This wealth is more universally disbursed than in the Imperial City, as in exchange for the tolerance of this somewhat predatory taxation, there is an ancient expectation that Tripolis maintain excellent infastructure and roads between the aforementioned cities, and such efforts require labour.

The city is known for its large social strata made up of the officers and other high-ranking members or members-emeritus of several mercantile guilds, almost as a parallel and contrast to the influence the Redhands command over the city of Sunport. This element operates far more openly and in public, and includes some cosmopolitan groups, such as the Great Circle Trading Company.


While being quite wealthy, Tripolis is not a provincial capital and therefore not often seen as a traditional stepping-stone within the ranks of the civil service for those with imperial or senatorial ambitions. However, its sizable non-elven population sees things differently. Fortunes - which are the keys to the levers of power after moving to more political cities - are made and broken in cities like Tripolis.