Clan Ermsson

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Clan Ermsson are the descendants of Erim Magnusson and therefore one of the many Clans of Magnus. As much a family as a political entity, they occupy high social station among the Dwarves, as their patron and progenitor is the First High King of the Dwarves, birthed by Magnus Allfather himself for the purpose. The clan as a whole consider themselves (and are often held responsible as) Guardians of the Valley of Giants, the central administrative region of the Kingdoms of the Dwarves.

Their fortress-capital, Khaz Thorimeft, serves two important functions. Firstly, it sits at the mouth of a narrow pass between the Valley of Giants and the Pass of the Tall Folk which forms the only overland route into the valley, thus their epithet. This has proven critical in times gone by, and the impregnibility of the fortress is likely why the Atarlie Empire have not attempted to impose their will on the Dwarves as they did in the Hearthlands. Secondly, Khaz Thorimeft is home to the Hall of Convocation, where the Kings Under the Mountains will meet in times of crisis to elect one of their own to the office of High King.

The clanhold of Ermsson also contains Khaz Urdim in its borders, but the Sealed Capital is not considered a holding of the clan - unless, that is, an Ermsson holds the office of High King.