Clan Uransson

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Clan Uransson is one of the great Clans of Magnus, and as such claim the heritage of Urniora Magnusson, Dwarf God of Death, the Dying, and Eternal Repose. As with all the other clans of magnus, the clan is both an immediate family and a political entity, and the degree to which members of the clan are related to Urniora varies by degrees.

The clan's hold is nominally in the Valley of the Giants, but precious little of their territory is observable from above ground, with only the gatehouse of their capital fortress, Khaz Helofik, visible above ground. They rely on their relations and trade with the other clanholds to provide for all their agricultural needs, and farm a variety of lichens and subterranian creatures which make up the core of their diet.

Perhaps surprisingly given their central location to the territories of their folk, they are viewed as eccentric borderline-outcasts. The Clan deals heavily in observances of death. Priests of Urniora travel throughout all the lands of the Clans of Magnus, ministering in every clanhold. Architects from Helofik specialize in the construction of tombs and burial sites, and the city itself is known for its expansive catacombs.