Dwarven Warrior Guilds

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"It is always possible the records are incomplete."

- Proverb of the Azurejays, Scholar-Knights of San Sylvester

This article is incomplete and will require additional work.

The Dwarven Warrior Guilds are well known organizations of professional warfare and battle, occupying a similar social and military role to Bastonia's Chivalric Orders. The Dwarven Warrior Guilds maintain their own small strongholds, in the territory of various clanholds but often somewhat independent, and do not maintain a requirement that the applicant be a member of any one particular clan.

Warriors train under the guild as apprentices for years, similar to any other trade in the Dwarven Kingdoms. Some of the more famous Dwarven Warrior Guilds include the:

  • Dwarven Stalwarts, specialists in heavy armour and the use of shields as weapons.
  • Dwarven Berserkers, specialists in light armour and heavy weapons.
  • Dwarven Slayers, specialists in being extremely specialized combatants, best at the hunting of particular classes of monsters.

Journeymen and master members of these guilds travel far and wide, not just among the Atlas Mountains but throughout the Deeps and much the rest of the continent of Wisteria. They are especially respected and prized as instructors or mercenaries in Bastonia.