Clan Belinsson

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Clan Belinsson is a clan of the Clans of Magnus, and therefore both a direct family (at its core) and a political entity, ruling over a scattered clanhold with positions all over the Atlas Mountains. They are a motley clan, made up of outcasts, renegades, and others who have been thrown out of their clanholds. They derive their name from Belin Magnusson, the First Dwarf, though it is arguable that all dwarves are related to him.

Dwarven society is strictly collectivist, and there is a long tradition of taking criminals, the mentally hill, the disabled, and others who cannot or will not serve that unity of identity and putting them into exile. Life outside a stronghold is harsh and fatal for dwarves, whether they trek across the surface or cling to the Deeps. Nevertheless, enough over the generations have been turned out in this way that they have formed strongholds of their own, unified under the banner of the Clan of Belinsson, the first dwarf.

Clan Balippasson have no shortage of foritifications, in the deeps or above the surface. Their best citadel, Khaz Harrak, is one of the largest surface dwellings of the dwarves, occupying a dell near the eastern mouth of the Pass of the Tall Folk, from which they frequently trade with the elves at Three Peak Dale.