Clan Balippasson

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Clan Balippasson is a clan of the Clans of Magnus, and therefore both a direct family (at its core) and a political entity, ruling over a clanhold in Southreach, on the eastern side of this portion of the Atlas Mountains, putting them in frequent and direct contact with the Atarlie Frontier and the wild kin there. Their patron, to whom they all claim to be able to trace their heritage, is Belippa Magnusson, a member of the Dwarven Pantheon who is said to have originated the great custom of the Holy Dwarven Grudge.

The dwarves of Clan Balippasson are warlike, and easily provoked. They have fought wars against all kinds of folk, joining Clan Jarandsson in their campaigns against the Orcs, or skirmishing with Imperial Legions or forces from Xarthekei. During the Southern Campaign, in which they Atarlie Empire attempted to annex part or all of the now-former Republic of Petrenea, the dwarves fought bouth sides.

Clan Balippasson have no shortage of foritifications, in the deeps or above the surface. Their best citadel, Khaz Elarnzak, is known by the epithet Cradle of Memory and is home to a great archive, said to contain records from every book of grudges ever began in any hold throughout all the Atlas Mountains. Messengers bringing news to and from the city are said to also obtain records of new grudges from among all the Dwarves, and return them to this city for silver.