Clan Torserdsson

From Archivum Wisteria
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Clan Torserdsson are the descendants of Torserd Magnusson and therefore one of the many Clans of Magnus. As much a family as a political entity, their association with the dwarven god of mysterious divinity has pervaded their culture. Nominally, they hold lands in Southreach, but so much of their infrastucture and population live in the Deeps that the distinction is largely academic.

Priests, even those of other gods in the Dwarven Pantheon, and on rare occasions those of other races entirely, seek out the expertise of the theurges and thaumaturges of Clan Toserdsson. Their primary holding is a fortress deep within the Deeping, near where it borders into the Dark, called Khaz Duersterkrak. Here, it is said, communion not with dieties but with divinity itself is possible, and it is known that some roads from and near to the Fortress of the Dark-Kin lead into other planes of existence entirely.