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Corran is the capital city of the Southern Province in the Atarlie Empire, a small city but by far the largest in the domain. The city is known by the epithet Crux of the Roadways, as it sits at a junction between five roadways leading throughout the province and to the north via Heroka. The citizens of the Hearthlands know the city as Elfholme as it is the largest major settlement of the Atarlie Empire anywhere near the protectorate, and one of the previously-mentioned roads leads to Hall Hill.

The city is not fortified in a Bastonian Sense but exists at a high point among swampland, meaning it is only practically accessible along one of its roads. The elves maintain good relationships with local spirits and a chapter of the Imperial Legion in the city to defend it.


Corran's position makes it hard to assail, but its roads make it approachable, and it is the only settlement bigger than a small town in all of the Southern Province. These five roads (known for the key features along their lengths) lead to Heroka, Hall Hill, Imarraka, Navarre's Crossing and the mountain road, which leads into passes over the Atlas Mountains, villages throughout the west of the province, and ultimately to Three Peak Dale.


Corran is wealthy by the standards of its province but relatively poor compared to major cities like Tripolis or Heroka. The city does command the bulk of all trade with both the Hearthlands and the minor towns within the Southern Province, which produce the overwhelming majority of grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables consumed throughout the empire.


Before the Southern Campaign, Corran was relatively politically unimportant. However, since the Southern Campaign and the adoption of the Hearthlands as a protectorate, the city has gained new cachet. The Prefect of the South is afforded remarkable latitude in managing the affairs of his province by comparison to the other five prefects, and the city is home to a permanent mission of an Imperial Legate with responsibility to represent both the Emperor and the Senate to the halflings and gnomes in Hall Hill