Marren's Pharmacopia

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"It is always possible the records are incomplete."

- Proverb of the Azurejays, Scholar-Knights of San Sylvester

This article is incomplete and will require additional work.

The main holy scripture in the church of Marren Magnusson text known as Marren's Pharmacopia is a lengthy and dense text of the secrets of herbalism and litanies useful for healing, which deal with foundational knowledge in the work of healers and has been further supplemented with separate commentaries and essays in the centuries which followed her publication. It is a large volume, some 300 pages when written on velum. These copies are dear and expensive to produce according to the dwarves, and are held tightly. Some copies occasionally get purchased by wealthy collectors (or duplicated by travelling human or elven traders) and wind up in the economies of other nations, where they are often highly prised.

The role of this document as a sacred work in the church of Marren leads to it being eschewed by some more scrupulous individuals in Bastonia.